Cooperation and conflict

How can we reduce the 30 billion euros in annual conflict costs in German companies to take an example from my national context (similar numbers can be found for the UK and other countries)? How can we face challenges better and remain productive when even the topic of "conflict" is taboo?

This is exactly where I help my clients : )

I support teams and organizations from the public and private sector to work on deeper causes of conflict and to transform their culture of cooperation in order to be able to deal with conflicts more easily in the future and to achieve productive cooperation more quickly.

We find answers to the following questions:
  • How you can reduce conflict complexity through conflict analysis (type, escalation level, issue, players, etc.).
  • How high chances are that internal players actually want to resolve a current conflict.
  • How to avoid traps when dealing with feelings of powerlessness.
  • How conflict prevention becomes routine for you.
  • How you can motivate your employees more strongly for team spirit, regardless of their possibly diverse backgrounds.

Network with me on Linkedin or read my blog articles on conflict management. In the German business magazine  02/2020 brand eins (link to instagram page)  you will find an article on mediation and my work in Burundi, East Africa (German).

Let's find out together if I can support you in finding an easy way to a culture of cooperation and strengthen good practices in your organization.

Organizations - teams - large groups

My specialization lies in organizations, teams and groups up to large groups - for twenty years I have analyzed, advised and trained civil society organizations, especially in the non-profit sector, moderated conferences and workshops, mediated conflicts and helped develop various solutions. I have also worked with state actors and organizations, where I myself work as a team leader. Methods of participation and visualization and procedures for balancing representation, debate and progress are central here.

"You always repeat so much of what we say!" I often hear - mediation goes quite deeply into the conversation and, in contrast to other methods, slows down the pace and works more thoroughly. A mediator questions, turns, feels, looks again, attends, makes sure things are going well, follows every word and every single glance... Nevertheless, I am known for my efficient methods - getting to the heart of things and sometimes working pragmatically. I am sometimes touched when conflicting parties really appreciate each other, even in a dispute. Then things really move forward in a sustainable way.

Large groups - here, work is about dynamics, clarity, placing information, bringing many people into interaction, reaching them personally without always being able to address each person individually. 


In deadlocked situations, people talk to each other differently if they ask a third person to moderate the conversation. Behind opposing positions there is usually a deeper, more hidden issue, the understanding of which is the key to finding a solution. The mediator's special "language" makes it possible to gently make this more transparent.

Thanks to our intensive training as mediators, we are able to get to the bottom of the most important causes in just a few hours and, building on this, take the first steps towards a solution.

My job is to ensure a fair discussion that is far better than a dispute and in which you don't have to relive the bad experience. I will get you talking in the right order and with the right wording so that you can take a better look at the situation and relax internally. My approach focuses on identifying interests and needs as well as the dynamics of the interaction. I use systemic approaches for this. Mediation can take 2-5 appointments or longer.

Legal basics can be found in the German mediation law, the associated legislative decree (both in German) and at the Bundesverband Mediation website.


From the smallest working meetings to conferences with several hundred participants - a moderated meeting leads to better results in a short time.

I have been moderating young people, seminar participants in political education, study trips, panels with experts from politics, research or business, working meetings, advisory board meetings, cross-departmental evaluation meetings and grassroot associations' meetings for 25 years....

It is particularly important to me that everyone has an equal opportunity to have their say and contribute and that questions are answered genuinely and comprehensively.

I am available for a free, non-committal briefing . You are welcome to contact me.